Radio Frequency Treatment

RF (Radio Frequency) Skin Tightening

Trio XT® RF Skin Tightening system offers the most advanced Tri-Polar radio frequency technology to allow selective heating of the tissue at various alternating depths, tightening the lattice supporting fatty tissue and promoting new collagen formation.

Noticeable improvement in patients resulting in less hooding or skin laxity in the upper eye lid and a more refreshed appearance overall. Patients noted lifting, tightening, and firming of the face and neck as well as the cheeks and jaw line.


  • Facial and body skin tightening
  • Collagen Reformation, Facial Rejuvenation
  • Body Shaping, Slimming
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Non-invasive, virtually painless

How long is the program?

The program time depends on the desired outcome by the patient and the necessary length of the program will vary from person to person. Most procedures involve at least 6 sessions. Each treatment takes around 30 – 40 minutes.

Is the treatment comfortable?

The Trio RF system uses a contact cooling handpiece that increases the cooling effect for the face. This makes the treatment much more comfortable and painless.

When will I see result?

You should see measurable results immediately following each treatment. Since collagen will continue to rebuild, and the volume of the collagen fibers will also increase, results will continue to improve for 10 weeks post treatments. Each treatment result is cumulative and long lasting.

Treatments that will complement Trio RF system

Trio RF affects the deeper layers and is compatible with procedures such as Sapphire Light, Botox and Fillers. The combined procedures will produce more dramatic and more natural looking results.

If you have any questions, need more information or would like a free consultation please contact us.